It has been said that first impressions are quite important. It has also been said that the whole "It has been said" bit is cliche, so maybe I can ignore the first thing. Still, since this is my first post and this may be your first visit, I figure you may want a good first impression.... I hope you got one, let's move on.
First, let's talk about what this blog IS. (y'know, other than a place where I can post a bunch of words and feed my inherent narcissism.) I hope to become an accomplished film maker, and to do so, I have to watch a lot of films, TV Shows, and read a lot of books. Basically, I have to be well-acquainted with Story-telling in all its various forms, and I need practice organizing my thoughts and writing them into a coherent flow. Thus, this blog. From here, I will post my various thoughts on Movies, books, TV shows and video games, what I think they did right, and what I think they did wrong, and what I can learn from them. I will primarily be checking out films that I haven't seen, though I may from time to time go back and take a look at a previously viewed films.
Before we get into this, I would like to point out a few things. First: This is not necessarily a content review site, I will point out certain things when it pertains to the film, but I shouldn't be where you look to if you find out if a film/TV show/game is good for your family. I would recommend taking a very clear look at the rating of said entertainment, and taking it seriously. I can offer a few tips on where to check for more descriptive lists of content for your films, but... let's get this out of the way, if you think Disney movies are a cancer to our society... I'm not gonna be of much use to you.
Second: I will not necessarily review every major movie right away. I want to walk into that theater and enjoy whatever film I see without the pressure of examining the films strengths and weaknesses.
Third: be prepared for random postings not pertaining to films, I might do an editorial once in a while, and I may even decided in less crowded times of films to run through a TV show on DVD or some such thing.
Third: Some of my posts will be short, I can ramble on for quite a bit, but if I had to write and edit ALL my diatribes, you would get maybe three posts a year. If I can make a decent sized post occasionally, then I'll do it. but I'll probably do a paragraph or two MUCH more often. If you want to have lengthy meaty things to discuss (I know that's what I prefer) feel free to do so.
Finally, I want to point out what my goal in examining these films are, I do not want to be a film maker who makes merely a technically great film, one that is meticulously structured and well designed, I'd like that too, but what I really want is to tell good stories. The kind of stories that you remember ten, twenty years later fondly. The kind of stories that can teach you things, and just let you have a good time. So I will be looking at what makes the characters I'm watching likable or unlikable, I'll praise the writing when it propels me properly through the story, and criticize it when it makes me wonder how much longer the film is. I'll let bad acting slide if the direction is strong enough, and I'll note where even the best acting can't save a poor story.
I hope through this little project, I'll e able to show you some little gems of film and TV you'd never see otherwise, I hope to help you understand the kind of work it takes into making a story work, and mostly, I hope to be able to pin down for myself why I like the movies that I do, and why I don't like the films that I don't like. So I can know how to make the best films possible.
I look forward to posting some stuff, and to you reading the stuff, and me writing more stuff... What? I like to keep simple goals.
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