Thursday, October 31, 2013

Not Really National Month of Not an Actual Novel Writing! or NoReNaMooNoaAcNoWri! for short

I'm personally hoping to top this guy.
     If you aren't familiar with NaNoWriMo or National Novel Writing Month, it's an event that happens every November, where people around the world pound furiously away on their keyboards with only one goal in mind: Writing an entire novel... in one month. Is this crazy? you ask, the answer is of course, yes. The proper question, however, is not, "is this crazy?" but, "should people be locked in an insane asylum for simply attempting this?" and that answer is more of a... well, yeah, definitely. In truth though, it's a worthy goal, everyone and their Uncle Phil wants to write a novel, but they give some sort of insane excuse why they don't. So a worldwide idea to commit of spending every waking moment writing, and have an excuse to engage every single creative  muscle you got, seems like an okay idea. I mean, even if it were to backfire, you'll come out okay If you fail halfway into it, then, hey, you have half a novel more than you did a month ago!
      If all this seems like it's going nowhere, I'm getting to that. I've always liked the idea of participating in NaNoWriMo, even if I never really had any aspirations of being a novelist, but for some reason or the other, my resolve fell through and I resigned myself to normal November nuts and bolts. But not this year.
      Starting tomorrow, November 1st, I will begin writing the first draft of a screenplay that I have been planning off and on for around half a year now. This project is something I've spent the last few weeks outlining using a slightly modified version of the Snowflake method of writing. I'm not quite done outlining it, but I hope to be done by tonight! I know that Screenplays and novels are two completely different beasts (and frankly, I fully expect my screenplay to be much shorter than the average screenplay, which is around 90 to 100 pages, I believe, mine will probably be in the 45 to 75 page range)
     Over the next few days I plan on sharing updates on how I'm doing over the next few weeks, and hopefully by November's end, I'll have at least a decent first draft. I'm planning on at least getting three pages a day done, though I'll be aiming for four.  I'll probably be sharing bits and pieces from the script over the next month, along with some general information about the story itself, so hang on tight gang, and as the French say, Allons-y! (they do say that, right? or has Doctor Who lied to me? If they don't, they really should, I didn't care for the expression much at first, but it's grown on me. it's cool, saying Allons-y is cool)

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